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Admissions And Records FAQ Area

I’m interested in taking classes at BCC. How do I get started? 
You first need to complete the admissions application. You should then complete the online student orientation. You should then complete your assessment test. After completing your assessment test you will want to meet with a counselor to discuss classes and a plan to complete your education. Email, or come to the college to see a counselor. If you have further questions please email

I am an international student and would like to take classes. Can I?
Please go online to International Students for information regarding applying to BCC as an international student.

I am a high school student and would like to take classes at BCC. Can I?
Please go online to for details on how you can register to take classes concurrently at BCC.

I need to get copies of my transcripts. What do I do?
To request a copy of your official transcripts go online to Transcript orders placed online, take approximately 3 business days to process. Mailed transcript request orders require 10-15 business days to process.

I dropped a class and want to know how to get my money back. 
You must petition for a refund. The deadline to petition for a refund for the Fall/Spring semesters is the last day of the semester and June 30th is the last day for the Summer semester. Please visit for more information and to submit a Petition for Refund online.

Where can I find information about transferring? 
Please visit the Transfer Center's webpage.

How do I retrieve my BCC student ID? 
You can follow the tutorial document. Or You can retrieve your BCC ID (B number) by, selecting “Enter Secure Area.” Click the button on the page that says “Need to Find my BCC ID.”

I’m trying to login but keep getting a message that states “Authorization failure – Invalid User ID or PIN.” What do I do?
If you have attempted to login using your SSN and PIN and have received this message first try logging in using your B Number and PIN and if that does not work click the “Forgot PIN” button to reset your PIN.

I recently completed my admissions application but I still cannot login. 
Please allow 15 minutes after submitting your application before attempting to register. After you completed your admission application you should have received an email message explaining your residency status and the next steps you need to take to register in classes. If you did not receive this email most likely we need additional information before we can complete the processing of your application. Please send an email to with your first and last name and middle initial letting us know that you recently completed your admissions application but that you are still unable to register for classes. You will receive a response back indicating what additional information we need.

I am trying to login but keep getting the message “Please enter your new Security Question and Answer, then Submit Changes.” What do I do?
You must set up a security question and answer before you can access the registration area for the first time. Reenter your PIN and then either select a question from the drop down menu and type in an answer or create your own question and answer combo (Be sure that the question that you choose is not likely to change and is something that you will easily remember). This question and answer will be used if you forget your PIN and need to reset it.

I am trying to login to my online classes but my ID and password are not working. What do I do?
Remember that your ID and password are both your lowercase bnumber, which can be retrieved online by going to the Secure Area. Click the button on the page that says “Need to Find my BCC ID.” If this does not work, you should check your registration status by logging into your account. If you are not registered in the class, you will not be able to access it. If you are registered in the class and still cannot access it, please send an email to for assistance.

I am attempting to register in classes but keep having problems.
Please visit for a comprehensive step by step online registration tutorial.

I am trying to add a class but keep getting a message that says “Open – Waitlist filled.” What does this mean and can I add the class?
Moving students from a waitlisted to a registered status is a manual process and so has delays. If the class says Open – Waitlist filled this means that there is an open seat for a waitlisted student to be registered but that waitlist and class are currently filled. You will not be able to add this course.

I am trying to register but keeping getting a “Student has not been enrolled since Re-Admit term.” What does that mean?
This error means that you have missed a term since taking classes and will need to reapply before you can register for classes. This can be done online at Barstow Community College Admissions Application. If you have recently completed your admissions application but are still receiving this same error message then most likely we need additional information before we can complete the processing of your application. Please send an email to with your B Number, or first and last name with middle initial, letting us know that you recently completed your application but are still getting a “Re-Admit” error. We will reply and tell you what additional information we need you to provide.

I am attempting to register for a class but keep getting a “Repeat exceeds 0 for satisfactory grade count” error. What does this mean?
This means that you have previously successfully completed the course. Please speak with a counselor about retaking the class. You may email​​​​​ for more information.

I am attempting to register for a class but keep getting a “Repeat hours exceed 3” error. What does this mean?
This means you have attempted this course before and must have permission to repeat it. Please speak with a counselor. You may email​​​​​ for more information.

I am attempting to register for a class but keep getting a “Time conflict with CRN xxxxx” error. What does this mean? 
If you are getting a time conflict error this means that class you are trying to register for has an overlapping time with the CRN that is coming up in the error. You cannot take a class that overlaps with another class. If you believe you are getting this message in error you can email for more information. Be sure to include your B Number and both the CRN for the class that is coming up in the error and the CRN of the class you are trying to add.

I am attempting to register and keep getting a “Prerequisite and Test Score error.” What does this mean?
This means you are trying to add a class that has a prerequisite and our records indicate that you have not completed the prerequisite course successfully (at least a “C” grade). To find out what the prerequisite course is please read the course description in the catalog which can be found online at Barstow Community College Catalogs. If you have previously completed the prerequisite course at another institution you can expedite registration by going online to complete and submit the Prerequisite Validation Registration form. If you have successfully completed the prerequisite course at BCC you should email a counselor for assistance at​​​​​.

I was registered in a class but my account shows that my instructor dropped me. I have been doing all of the work. What do I do? Please email your instructor and request to be added back into the class. If you completed and submitted your syllabus and an assignment which is not your introductory assignment by the due date, your instrutor will proceed with the steps necessary to reinstate you. If after waiting two business days you do not receive an answer to your request to be reinstated resend the email to your instructor and cc, your student advocate, who will ensure you receive a response to your email. 

I received an email saying that additional information was needed from me. What do I do?
Please send an email to with your first and last name and middle initial and be sure to reference that you received an email requesting additional information. Admission and Records will respond with what information is needed from you.

I received an email saying that my application was processed and that I am an out of state resident. I live in California and don’t think this is right. What should I do?
Go online to and complete the Residency Determination Checklist. You will need to submit the form with the appropriate documentation to have your residency status changed. If you have further questions email for further assistance.

I was an out of state resident but I’ve lived in California for a year now. What do I do to change my residency status?
You must go online to and complete the Residency Determination Checklist and submit it to Admissions and Records with supporting documentation. You must submit this information prior to the start of your classes for the semester or we will be unable to process it until the next semester.

I received an email that I’m considered an out of state resident but I grew up in California and only moved away for a little while. What can I do to change this? 
To determine your residency go online to review the Residency Determination Checklist. If you have the necessary documents to prove that you are a resident you should submit the form and supporting evidence to Admissions and Records to have your residency changed. If you do not have the supporting evidence you may qualify for a tuition waiver under AB540. If you attended three years of a California high school and graduated from a California high school go online to and complete the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption. For further information contact Admission and Records and

My records say that I have an Academic Hold on my account. What do I do? 
You have been dismissed from BCC and must petition for reinstatement. The petition form can be found online at For more information you should speak with a counselor. You can email the Counseling Department at​​​​​.

My records say that I have a Probation hold on my account. What do I do?
You are currently on probation and must meet with a counselor before you can register for classes. You can email the Counseling Department at​​​​​.

My records say I have an OSS Equipment/Textbook hold on my account. What does this mean?
Our records indicate that you have failed to turn in books/equipment to the OSS Department. Please contact OSS for assistance.

My records say I have an EOP&S Equipment/Textbook hold on my account. What does this mean?
Our records indicate that you have failed to turn in books/equipment to the EOPS Department. Please contact EOPS for assistance.

My records say I have a Financial Aid hold. What does this mean?
You have an amount due because of an overpayment. Please contact Financial Aid at

My records say I have a High School Student hold. What does this mean?
Our records indicate that you are currently a high school student. If this information is incorrect contact Admissions and Records at If this information is correct please go online to for information about registering for classes as a concurrently enrolled student.

My records say I have an Enrollment Fee hold. What does this mean?
You currently have an outstanding balance to BCC. You must pay your outstanding balance prior to registering for classes. This can be done online by going to the Secure Area, and selecting the “Enter Secure Area” link. After logging in, Select the Admissions, Registration, Student Records, Financial Aid link then select the Registration link. You may view and pay all fees on your account by selecting the View/Pay Registration Fees link. Your account will clearly indicate what fees you owe. Classes must be dropped with 10% of class meetings to not owe fees. This means that online classes must be dropped by the first Thursday of the class. If you have further questions about the fees you owe please contact Admissions and Records at