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Priority Group Registration

Barstow Community College provides priority registration for students who enroll for the purpose of degree or certificate attainment, transfer to a four-year college or university, or career advancement for the fall and spring semesters. Summer will not have a priority system for registration.

Priority registration shall only be granted to those students who have completed orientation, assessment, and developed a student education plan. Education plans must be updated at 15 completed units and 45 completed units for continued eligibility for priority registration. Higher priority will be granted to those students who indicated an education goal of: 

  • Obtain an AA degree and transfer to a 4-year institution.
  • Transfer to a 4-year institution without an AA degree.
  • Obtain a two year vocational degree without transfer.
  • Earn a vocational certificate without transfer.
  • Improve basic skills in English, reading or math.
    Completed units include all units evaluated and posted on the student’s BCC transcript.

Registration priority specified above shall be lost at the first registration opportunity after a student:

  • Is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof as defined by Board Policy and Procedure 4250 for two consecutive terms; or
  • Has earned one hundred (100) or more degree-applicable units; or
  • Has earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher.

This 100-unit limit does not include units for non-degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses as defined by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
For this section a unit is earned when a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, or P as defined in Board Policy and Procedure 4230.

Contacts for Priority Groups: 

Foster Youth: 
All other students:


Summer 2025

3/3 (Mon)

Tier 1

Active Duty Military, Veterans, Foster Youth and Former Foster Youth, EOPS, ACCESS, CalWORKS; Homeless and Housing Insecure; A student who is a parent of a child/children under the age of 18 who will receive more than half of their support from that student as set forth in in Education Code Section 66025.81.

3/3 (Mon)

Tier 2

Athletes; Associated Student Government; Students who have COMPLETED 60-90 units with an appropriate informed education goal; Barstow College Promise; B.R.A.S.S.; STEP Program

3/3 (Mon)

Tier 3

Students who have completed 45-59.9 units and have declared an appropriate education goal; Active duty family members; dependents using Veterans benefits

3/3 (Mon)

Tier 4

All other continuing, returning, and newly admitted students who are fully matriculated

3/3 (Mon)

Tier 5

Students who are not fully matriculated and those who did not meet requirements to receive priority registration, including dual enrolled (formerly concurrent) students.

*Students fully exempt from matriculating due to earning a degree will have priority based on units completed. Completed units include all units evaluated and posted on the student's BCC transcript.
Registration priority specified above will be listed at the first registration opportunity after a student:
• Is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof as defined by Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 4250 for two consecutive terms; or
• Has earned one hundred (100) or more degree-applicable units; or
• Has earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher.


Fall 2025

3/3 (Mon)

Tier 1

Active Duty Military, Veterans, Foster Youth and Former Foster Youth, EOPS, ACCESS, CalWORKS; Homeless and Housing Insecure; A student who is a parent of a child/children under the age of 18 who will receive more than half of their support from that student as set forth in in Education Code Section 66025.81.

3/4 (Tue)

Tier 2

Athletes; Associated Student Government; Students who have COMPLETED 60-90 units with an appropriate informed education goal; Barstow College Promise; B.R.A.S.S.; STEP Program

3/4 (Tue)

Tier 3

Students who have completed 45-59.9 units and have declared an appropriate education goal; Active duty family members; dependents using Veterans benefits

3/4 (Tue)

Tier 4

All other continuing, returning, and newly admitted students who are fully matriculated

3/5 (Wed)

Tier 5

Students who are not fully matriculated and those who did not meet requirements to receive priority registration, including dual enrolled (formerly concurrent) students.

*Students fully exempt from matriculating due to earning a degree will have priority based on units completed. Completed units include all units evaluated and posted on the student's BCC transcript.
Registration priority specified above will be listed at the first registration opportunity after a student:
• Is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof as defined by Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 4250 for two consecutive terms; or
• Has earned one hundred (100) or more degree-applicable units; or
• Has earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher.