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Enroll for classes starting 2/18, and 3/17!  View the schedule of classes

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Faculty Tutorials & Information

If you are still experiencing difficulties after following one of the below tutorials please contact Admissions and Records, at


Initial One Stop Log In Access 
Retrieving B Number 
Logging In 
Log in To "My Barstow Portal" 
Class Rosters


Waitlist Process 
Add Authorization Codes 
SARS Early Alert (Video Tutorial)
This intervention should be used for struggling students. SARS Early Alert should be submitted for any student that the instructor feels is in need of help and/or is exhibiting behaviors that could lead to academic failure. The form is submitted electronically to the chosen department who will contact the student to initiate an intervention. The department will follow up with the instructor after the intervention has occurred. 

Admissions and Records has created a new process for late additions to your classes. This form should be submitted for students not registered by the deadline but attending before the first census. When this occurs you’ll need to complete a Late Add Petition Form.

Overlapping Time Override
Instructors must submit an explanation of how the student will make up the time missed in the overlap, please see Overlapping Time Override form for details.

Dropping Students:

We are mandated to clear our rosters of all no shows by census, which is 20% of the class. We must collect a census certification for every class, except those scheduled as actual hours of attendance. You have the option of dropping as either “No Show” or “Excessive Absences”. If all of your students are attending, you still must login and certify enrollment by submitting the census. Also, please ensure that everyone attending your class is listed on your census sheet. If they are not a Late Add Petition must be submitted. The form can be found online at

How to drop roster guide below.

Actual Hours of Attendance:

Actual Hours of Attendance or Positive Attendance Tracker    

Final Grades:

Online Grade Entry from Banner

Online Grade Entry from Banner Video