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Business & Finance Committee

Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Business & Finance Committee is to review and make recommendations on the budget proces, budget forecasting, facilities planning and scheduled maintenance.

Description: The committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on the annual budget process, the annual budget, multi-year budget forecast, Facility Master Plan, and the scheduled maintenance plan. The committee makes recommendations to the President's Shared Governance Council (PSGC) and/or President's cabinet relative to the resources available to fund the institutional plan priorities. Prepares an annual calendar that identifies key dates for items in the college’s annual planning cycle. In addition the committee reviews and makes recommendations related to matters such as the actuarial study for post-retirement benefits, cash flow, and other such items as appropriate.


Reports to: District Superintendent/President

Chairperson: Vice President of Administrative Services

Meetings: Monthly as Needed

Members: Consists of one representative each from CSEA, BCFA, ASG, Academic Senate, one mid- management member, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Budget Analyst

Advisory: Dean of Research, Development & Planning


MEETINGS 2018 - 2019     ATTENDANCE: 2016-17


2013-14 Meetings

2014-15 Meetings

2015-16 Meetings

2016-17 Meetings

2017-18 Meetings