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Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions

Associate Dean of Academic Support Services

Associate Dean of Career Technical Education

Associate Dean/Athletic Director Kinesiology and Athletics

Budget Analyst

Civic Center and College Event Manager

Director, Application Services

Director, Basic Needs Center

Director, Career and College Access Pathways

Dean of Counseling and Student Success

Director, Distance Education and Instructional Technology

Dean of Enrollment Management and Services

Dean of Instruction

Dean of Instruction, Workforce and Economic Development

Director, BCCC Adult Education and Barstow Area Consortium for Adult Education

Director M & O

Director of CTE Project Coordination and Integration

Director of Enrollment Services

Director of Financial Aid

Director of Fiscal Services

Director of Guided Pathways, Equity and Achievement

Director of Human Resources Organizational Development & Process Improvement

Director of Learning Support Services

Director of Military and Veterans Programs

Director of Public Relations, Comm, & Marketing

Director of Student Development and Conduct

Director, Special Programs & Services

District President

Executive Assistant to the President

Executive Director, Campus Operations

Executive Director of Information Technology 

Executive Director of Research Development and Planning

Executive Dean, Strategic Partnerships & Workforce Development

Human Resources Administrative Service Partner

Human Resources Specialist - Classified Employees

Human Resources Specialist - Certificated Employees

Program Manager - Homeless/Housing Insecurity Grant

VP Academic Affairs

VP Administrative Services

VP Human Resources

VP Student Services