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Title IX Grievance Form

Please use this form to submit allegations or reports of sexual misconduct.

Sexual misconduct comprises a broad range of unwelcome behaviors focused on sex and/or gender that may or may not be sexual in nature. Any intercourse or other intentional sexual touching or activity without the other person’s consent is sexual assault, and is a form of sexual misconduct under the Barstow Community College District Policy (BP 3430/AP 3540). Sexual misconduct encompasses sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, or gender-based harassment, which is a form of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, or non-conformity with gender stereotypes. Sexual misconduct may also encompass acts of a sexual nature, including acts of sexual stalking, domestic violence, and dating violence, intimidation, or for retaliation following an incident where alleged sexual misconduct has occurred.

Sexual misconduct can occur between strangers or acquaintances, or people who know each other well, including between people involved in an intimate or sexual relationship, can be committed by anyone regardless of gender identity, and can occur between people of the same or different sex or gender.

Even if you're unsure if an incident may be considered sexual misconduct, it's better to submit a report. For more information about sexual misconduct, please visit the Barstow Community College website about sexual misconduct (Title IX).

If you provide your contact information, you will receive a response from the Title IX Coordinator within 2 business days.

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