2700 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311
United States
Experience the timeless comedy of mistaken identities, love, and mischief in Shakespeare's “Twelfth Night”. Set in the enchanting world of Illyria, the play follows the adventures of Viola, who, after being shipwrecked, disguises herself as a young man named Cesario. In this new guise, she becomes entangled in a complex web of unrequited love, involving the lovesick Duke Orsino, the grieving Lady Olivia, and a host of colorful characters who bring humor and heart to the story. As secrets are revealed and true identities come to light, “Twelfth Night” delivers a joyous celebration of love in all its forms.
To purchase tickets, visit the BCC Event Tickets site.
Please note that due to the intimate nature of the Black Box Theater, late arrivals will not be allowed entrance.